The Elegant Universe - Sezonul 1 (2003)
The Elegant Universe
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 24-Oct-2021, 21:27
Actualizat: 24-Oct-2021, 22:12
NOU! Episodul 1. Sezonul 1, episodul 1, pentru HDTV. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
One of the most ambitious and exciting theories ever proposed—one that may be the long-sought "theory of everything," which eluded even Einstein—gets a masterful, lavishly computer-animated explanation from bestselling author-physicist Brian Greene, when NOVA presents the nuts, bolts, and sometimes outright nuttiness of string theory.
Un documentar care analizeaza Teoria Corzilor (String Theory), probabilitatea existentei universurilor paralele (Multivers) precum si efectele pe care le-ar avea Legile Mecanicii Cuantice asupra lumii macroscopice.