The Cell 2 (2009)
Conexiune inversa 2
23.976 FPS
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Adăugat: 6-Iun-2009, 22:05
Actualizat: 8-Iun-2009, 23:40
Mai multe informații
The Cusp is a serial killer who kills his victims and then brings them back to life; over and over again; until they beg to die! Maya is a psychic investigator who gained her powers after a 1 year coma after she was the Cusp's first victim! Now the Cusp Killer is back and Maya has little time to do what she has never done before: go into the mind of a killer unprotected and save his latest victim.
Cusp este un criminal in serie care isi omoara victimele si apoi le readuce la viata pentru a le omori din nou. Iar si iar. Pana cand oamenii implora sa ii omoare... de tot. Maya este un mediu care si-a capatat puterile dupa ce s-a trezit dintr-o coma profunda. Intrase in coma in urma cu un an cand fusese prima victima a lui Cusp. Cu noile puteri, Maya este hotarata acum sa il infrunte pe Cusp.