Subtitrare The Cars That Ate Paris (The Cars That Eat People)

Comedie, Horror, Sf

5.4 / 10

(69 voturi)


91 min


Peter Weir


Terry Camilleri, John Meillon, Kevin Miles

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The Cars That Ate Paris (The Cars That Eat People) (1974) Subtitrare The Cars That Ate Paris (The Cars That Eat People) - ro

Maşini mortale






23.976 FPS

Număr CD-uri / Episoade




Adăugat: 17-Nov-2015, 19:10

Actualizat: 25-Iun-2024, 21:58

The Cars That Ate Paris (1974), pentru BluRay. Enjoy!

Mai multe informații

After the death of his brother on the road, unemployed and unstable drifter Arthur Waldo stays for a while in the rural Australian town of Paris as the guest of the mayor, who hopes he will become a permanent member of the Paris population. Arthur soon realizes the quaint hamlet has a sinister secret: they orchestrate car accidents and rob the victims. Survivors are brought to the local hospital, lobotomized, and used for a local doctor's experiments.

Un orăşel din Australia, Paris pe numele său, trăieşte de pe urma accidentelor de maşină pe care le provoacă şi a valorificării pieselor recuperate. Fraţii George şi Arthur sunt şi ei victimele unui astfel de accident, în urma căruia George moare, iar Arthur ajunge în spital. Aici el îşi dă seama că localnicii se feresc nu numai de străini, dar şi de propriii lor copii, care nu sunt de acord cu ce se întâmplă în oraşul lor.

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