Summer Palace (Yi He Yuan) (2007)
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23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 7-Feb-2023, 23:56
Actualizat: 8-Feb-2023, 00:22
Summer Palace (Yi He Yuan) (2007), pentru DVDRip. Enjoy!
Warning! Traducere care nu se dorește a respecta reforma Academiei.
Mai multe informații
Country girl Yu Hong leaves her village, her family and her lover to study in Beijing. At university, she discovers an intense world of sexual freedom and forbidden pleasure. Enraptured, compulsive, she falls madly in love with fellow student Zhou Wei. Driven by obsessive passions they can neither understand nor control, their relationship becomes one of dangerous games - betrayals, recriminations, provocations - as all around them, their fellow students begin to demonstrate, demanding democracy and freedom.
China, 1989. Complexa si torida poveste a doi tineri, desfasurata pe fundalul unei tari agitate politic. Frumoasa Yu Hong isi paraseste satul, familia si iubitul pentru a studia la Beijing, unde descopera o lume a experimentului sexial si emotional, indragostita de colegul sau, Yhou Wei. Legatura lor devine un joc periculos, in timp ce ceilalti colegi incep demonstratiile pentru libertate si democratie. In 2006, filmul a fost inscris la Cannes fara acceptul cenzurii cineze. Acesta i-a interzis c…