Shot Through the Heart (1998)
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Adăugat: 3-Iul-2014, 22:20
Actualizat: 3-Iul-2014, 22:36
Shot Through the Heart [1998] . Aranjat textul. Enjoy! Adaugate diacritice. Multumiri traducatoarei.
Mai multe informații
The horrors of war are examined from the view points of lifelong friends (Linus Roache, Vincent Perez), who end up on opposing sides in the civil war in Sarajevo. One is an expert marksman, who trains the snipers used to terrify the city and the other becomes a freedom fighter, who rejects his friend's offer to gain an escape from the city. As might be expected, the two eventually have to face-off against one another.
Filmul relateaza povestea a doi iugoslavi, prieteni foarte buni, Vlado (Linus Roache) si Slavko (Vincent Perez) pusi in fata unui razboi civil neindurator care le schimba pentru totdeauna vietile. Desi sunt foarte apropiati inca din copilarie, atunci cand izbucneste razboiul din Sarajevo, cei doi ajung in doua tabere inamice. Unul dintre ei devine un lunetist profesionist care antreneaza alti tintasi de elita pentru a tine sub teroare orasul, celalalt un luptator pentru libertate. Mai mult deca…