Shades of Love: Champagne for Two (1987)
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23.976 FPS
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Adăugat: 11-Iul-2018, 13:18
Actualizat: 11-Iul-2018, 13:18
Shades of Love: Champagne for Two (1987). Realizata impreuna cu Gatita, sincronizare vizuala si verificare cu SW. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Two career-oriented people meet and fall in love at their apartment house in New York. When the job requires one of them to move to another city, they are faced with the dilemma of choosing between their career and their relationship.
Shades of Love: Champagne for Two prezinta o frumoasa poveste de dragoste intre doi oameni foarte diferiti, care invata sa traiasca unul cu altul acceptandu-si diferentele mai repede decat incercand sa faca schimbari dramatice.