Seventeen Again (2000)
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23.976 FPS
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Adăugat: 7-Dec-2012, 23:35
Actualizat: 29-Feb-2024, 14:17
Seventeen Again (2000), pentru WEB-DL (per_SEMPRE) & DVDRip. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Cat and Gene have been divorced for several years. They are both visiting their son and their grandchildren, Sydney and Willie. Willie's a genius who develops a formula that makes who uses it young again, it inadvertently spills into some soap that Willie places in his grandparents room. When each of them uses it they finds themselves 17 again. Willie had to find a way to reverse the process but will his grandparents want to be old again?
Tânărul inventator Will Donovan prepara o substanţă experimentală care are ca prim rezultat întinerirea. Fără să vrea, el testează substanţa pe bunicii săi. Constatând că substanţa are efect şi bunicii săi au din nou 17 ani, Will încearcă disperat să găsească un antidot înainte ca cei doi să cunoască pe propria piele efectele secundare ale elixirului.