Santa Baby 2 (2009)
Fiica lui Mos Craciun
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 8-Dec-2011, 15:11
Actualizat: 8-Dec-2011, 15:11
ajustat timpii prea scurti pt filmul
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Jenny McCarthy reprises her role as Mary Class, Santa's business-minded daughter, to help save Christmas in Santa Baby 2: Christmas Maybe, the sequel to ABC Family's original hit movie of 2006. Santa's in the midst of a late-life crisis -- he's tired of the responsibilities of the job and is ready to pass on the reins to Mary, who feels torn between the family business and running her own high stakes firm in New York City, along with balancing a relationship with the love of her life, Luke (Dean McDermott). The situation gets increasingly dire when Teri, an ambitious new arrival to the North Pole, sows dissension at the workshop in an effort to take over Christmas.
Obosit de responsabilitatile jobului sau, Mos Craciun decide sa se retraga si sa-i delege atributiile fiicei sale. Din pacate, Mary are un job important la New York si nu doreste sa renunte la cariera sa, doar pentru un capriciu al tatalui sau. Discutiile dintre cei doi pun in pericol sarbatoarea Craciunului, iar in regat se naste un conflict generat de Teri, un fost elf nemultumit.