Romance with a Twist (Love in the Air) Swinging Into Love (2024)
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Adăugat: 21-Mar-2025, 09:03
Actualizat: 21-Mar-2025, 09:03
Romance with a Twist (2024) pentru WEB-DL. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Luna is a former dancer, who left that dream behind for a grounded life managing her family’s construction business and gets the opportunity to transform a gymnasium into a studio for aerials. As she sneaks a moment to try dancing in the silks, she is surreptitiously discovered by Bennet, a professional aerialist, who has returned home from performing around the world. Bennet is none too pleased to walk in to find his contractor messing around on the silks, but when his partner for an upcoming show drops out, he soon recruits Luna to perform with him. As the hard work of this dynamic sport and the joys of Luna returning to her roots as a dancer bring them closer together, will their relationship crash or will they find a way to reach new heights?
Acrobatul profesionist Bennet (Olivier Renaud) are nevoie urgent de o nouă parteneră pentru o reprezentație la un festival artistic local. Așa că face pereche cu fosta dansatoare Luna (Jocelyn Hudon), care se va confrunta cu provocarea vieții ei în timpul repetițiilor pentru spectacol.
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