Romance on the Orient Express (1985)
Poveste de dragoste in Orient Expres
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 30-Oct-2011, 17:07
Actualizat: 30-Oct-2011, 17:07
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Lily, an American travelling on the famous Orient Express train from Venice, Italy to Paris, France, suddenly runs into her former lover, Alex, who met and had a tender romance ten years earlier while vacationing in France, which ended abruptly when he walked out on her without saying a word. Now Alex tries to make up for lost time with Lily while she digs into his past to find out what haunting secrets that he has which led to their abrupt break-up.
Calatorind de la Venetia la Paris, Lily, o tanara americana il intalneste pe fostul ei iubit, Alex. Inainte cu zece ani cei doi traisera o frumoasa poveste de dragoste intrerupta brusc de Alex, care disparuse fara o vorba. Lily va incerca acum sa afle ce anume din trecutul iubitului ei dusese la despaartirea lor.