Revenge of the Nerds III: The Next Generation (1992)
Razbunarea tocilarilor 3: O noua generatie
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 22-Mar-2011, 12:26
Actualizat: 22-Mar-2011, 12:51
Revenge.Of.The.Nerds.III.-.The.Next.Generation.(1992).DVDRip si Revenge.of.the.Nerds.3.1992.DVDrip.x264-ShitBusters
Mai multe informații
The nerds are now in control of the university, as a result of Lewis Skolnick and the rest's actions in the two previous movies. A new generation of sportsmen arrive, however, determined on winning the school back. The principle, himself an ex-nerd fighter, helps them, and the nerds return to suppression. Harold Skolnick needs help from his uncle Lewis, the hero of the first two movies. Lewis, however, are not too proud of his nerd past, and won't reveal any of it, much less help his nephew. However, his wife makes him change his mind, and with help from his friends from the first two movies, they start the fight to win the school back, using classic nerd tricks.
Al treilea film din seria "Tocilarii". Tocilarii controleaza acum scoala, ca urmare a actiunilor intreprinse de Lewis Skolnick si ceilalti membri ai Fratiei, in cele doua filme anterioare. Liceul primeste noi elevi, bineinteles - sportivi, acestia fiind hotarati sa recucereasca terenul pierdut. Directorul scolii - el insusi un ex anti-tocilar - ii ajuta pe noii sositi, iar tocilarii sunt nevoiti sa isi reia statutul de asupriti. Harold Skolnick ii solicita ajuto…