Prega il morto e ammazza il vivo (Shoot the Living (1971)
Roaga-te pentru cei morti si ucide-i pe cei vii
23.976 FPS
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Adăugat: 12-Aug-2012, 17:11
Actualizat: 12-Aug-2012, 17:11
Shoot.the.Living.and.Pray.for.the.Dead.1971. 1CD=1.79BG. Aranjata si adaugate diacritice. Enjoy! Multumiri traducatorului.
Mai multe informații
Dan Hogan and his gang have held up a bank for $100,000 in gold bars. They meet up at Jackal's Ranch, a weigh station for stage coaches. While waiting for the gold to arrive they encounter a stranger, John Webb, who wants half the gold in exchange for guiding them safely to Mexico. Reluctantly, Dan agrees and they set across the brutal desert for a race to the border with the Rangers hot on their tail. Is John who he says he is? Is he really after the gold or does he have an ulterior motive?
Dupa ce a jefuit o banca de lingouri in valoare de 100.000 de dolari, banda lui Dan Hogan se intruneste intr-o statie de diligenta ca sa puna la punct planul fugii in Mexic. Un strain misterios, pe nume John Webb, se ofera sa le fie calauza prin desert, pana la singurul punct de trecere a granitei pe care rangerii nu-l pazesc cu strasnicie. Webb cere in schimb jumatate din aur si Hogan e nevoit sa accepte. Grupul porneste intr-o calatorie lunga si periculoasa …