Patiala House (2011)
Jocul de cricket
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 5-Mai-2011, 13:36
Actualizat: 5-Ian-2025, 19:49
Patiala House (2011), pentru BluRay (DISTEL) & DVDRip. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Parghat Singh 'Gattu' Kahlon is a middle aged shopkeeper who secretly practices bowling at night in order to keep his dream of playing for England alive. Even though his family members despise him for giving up his dreams only due to his father's wish, they find a ray of hope and convince him to play for England while they plan to hide the truth from his father.
O victimă a violenţei rasiale britanice îl împiedică pe fiul său să joace cricket.