Nyfes (Brides) (2004)
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 13-Apr-2009, 20:07
Actualizat: 17-Ian-2022, 21:51
Nyfes (Brides) (2004), pentru DVDRip. Enjoy!
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A young female character, Nikki Douka, from Samothraki, is sailing to the U.S. to fulfill a marriage contract and save her family honor. Her skills as a seamstress keep her busily sewing throughout the voyage to alter wedding dresses for the third-class voyagers. But along the way, she meets a young American photographer who is returning from the Middle East where he was snapping shots of the war in Smyrna, 1922. Her honesty, pride, and beauty attract the attention of the American who falls in love with her. Tribulations abound during the voyage, following the dramas of several unfortunate young women upon whom nasty characters preyed, as Nikki struggles with her feelings for the photographer.
O poveste despre emotii puternice, despre dileme si incertitudini, despre hotarari si consecinte, despre atitudinea responsabila si justa. Un film compus din mici momente pline de gratie, din priviri, atingeri, mangaieri si incuviintari – o multime de lucruri dintre cele care fac din viata fiecaruia dintre noi un spectacol unic, irepetabil. Filmul spune povestea uneia din cele 700 de mirese prin posta, originare din Grecia, si a unui fotograf american, ce se intalnesc la bordul unei nave, in d…