Never let me go (2010)
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Adăugat: 3-Nov-2013, 16:19
Actualizat: 3-Nov-2013, 16:19
Never Let Me Go (2010) BLURAY. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
As children, Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy spend their childhood at an idyllic and secluded English boarding school. As they grow into adults, they must come to terms with the complexity and strength of their love for one another while also preparing for the haunting reality awaiting them.
Bazat pe apreciatul bestseller al lui Kazuo Ishiguro (The Remains of the Day), NEVER LET ME GO este o remarcabila poveste de dragoste, pierdere si adevaruri ascunse. In roman, el pune intrebarea fundamentala: Ce ne face umani? Acum, regizorul Mark Romanek (ONE HOUR PHOTO), scenaristul Alex Garland (28 DAYS LATER, SUNSHINE) si DNA Films aduc pe ecran povestea sfasietoare si emotionanta a lui Ishiguro. Kathy (Carey Mulligan, castigatoare a unui premiu BAFTA si nominalizata la Osca…