Midnight Movie (2008)
Midnight Movie
avocatul31, strezau
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 31-Dec-2008, 20:59
Actualizat: 27-Ian-2009, 17:33
NOU ! Midnight Movie 2008 DVDRip H264 AAC-SecretMyth , Midnight.Movie.2008.DVDRip.XviD-VoMiT si MIDNIGHT MOVIE 2008 XVID BDK-IPT
Mai multe informații
A rarely seen slasher flick gets a midnight screening at a run-down movie theater. The film's director was supposedly driven insane by it, but that doesn't deter horror fans, including Bridget and her boyfriend, Josh, from attending the showing. When the lights dim and the movie starts, they'd better prepare themselves for the scare of their lives. That's because they're not just going to be watching this bloodbath -- they're going to be starring in it.
Actiunea se intampla intr-un cinematograf vechi dintr-un orasel adormit, unde cativa prieteni iau parte la proiectia de la miezul noptii a unui film horror cult din anii '70 - intitulat The Dark Beneath. Dar ceea ce nu stiu ei este ca regizorul si actorul principal din aceasta productie evadasera dintr-un spital de boli psihice in urma cu cinci ani, lasand in urma un sir lung de victime, si ca e posibil ca inca sa fie in libertate. Pe masura ce actiunea filmului …