Metroland (1997)
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 8-Iun-2010, 04:23
Actualizat: 8-Iun-2010, 04:23
cu Christian Bale, Emily Watson
Mai multe informații
After ten years absence Toni, Chris's best friend, suddenly reappears in London to bring chaos and doubt into Chris's calm, tranquil, slightly boring, predictable life. Chris starts to remember his carefree youth as a photographer in Paris when he lived with and enjoyed a torrid affair with Annick. It was also in Paris that he first met and fell in love with Marion. The temptations and pressure exerted on Chris by Toni to return to their former carefree life of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll soon starts to have an impact on Chris's marriage. He starts to question his values, his lifestyle choices and his relationship with Marion and even suspects her of starting an affair with Toni whom she dislikes! Eventually circumstances come to a head and Chris is forced to decide whether to follow Toni back to the hedonistic, irresponsible life of his youth or face the harsh realities of the present and stay with Marion.
Anglia, Metroland, Chris si Marion, fiind un cuplu fericit si implinit. Dupa zece ani de absenta, Toni, cel mai bun prieten al lui Chris, reapare pe neasteptate in oras si aduce haos si dezordine in viata calma, linistita si previzibila a lui Chris. Acesta incepe sa-si aminteasca de tineretea sa fara griji ca fotograf la Paris, cand a trait si s-a bucurat de o aventura incendiara alaturi de frantuzoaica Annick. Tot in Paris a intalnit-o si s-a indragostit de…