Maria's Lovers (1984)
Iubitii Mariei
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 11-Mar-2011, 13:39
Actualizat: 29-Ian-2022, 21:10
Maria's Lovers (1984), pentru BluRay (per_SEMPRE) & DVDRip. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
When her teenage sweetheart Ivan returns home from WWII, Maria eagerly accepts his marriage proposal, looking forward to a lifetime of happiness. But her joy is short-lived when Ivan’s dark past shrouds their wedding night in misery, driving a wedge between them that neither knows how to remove. Confused and depressed, Maria attempts to mend her true love’s heart despite the advances of other suitors. But when a traveling musician hits the right note, Maria struggles to justify her unfulfilling life. Is her passion too powerful to be contained within the sanctity of marriage?
Celebrul cineast rus semneaza nu numai regia, ci si scenariul si muzica acestui film. Este vorba despre drama provocata de razboi unor oameni, traumatizati fizic dar mai ales psihic. Intr-un orasel minier, un tanar se intoarce acasa si se insoara cu femeia iubita, desi aproape ca nu o recunoaste. Cum insa nici el nu mai este acelasi, fostul soldat crede ca va putea lupta impotriva raului. Dar razboiul a lasat urme de nesters, atat asupra Mariei, fortata de imprejurari sa accepte alti barbati, ca…