Loving Leah (2009)
Iubind-o pe Leah
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Adăugat: 6-Iul-2013, 16:50
Actualizat: 6-Iul-2013, 16:50
Loving Leah 2009. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
A handsome Washington, D.C. doctor and a young New York woman fall in love at an unusual time...after they get married. Leah Lever is married to an Orthodox rabbi, Benjamin Lever, whose brother, Jake is a successful cardiologist and a non-practicing Jew. Jake is stunned when Benjamin dies suddenly, but not as stunned as when he is told that, under an ancient Jewish Law, he is expected to marry the childless Leah to carry on Benjamin's name.
O poveste de dragoste ciudata, din preajma nuntii neasteptate si vietii nonconformiste a unei vaduve in varsta de 26 de ani si fratele defunctului sau sot, un cardiolog in varsta de 30 de ani