Loch Ness (1996)
Monstrul din Loch Ness
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 7-Apr-2008, 21:22
Actualizat: 7-Apr-2008, 21:22
Mai multe informații
Dr. Dempsey is an American scientist who has become a skeptic. He isn't enthusiastic to be sent by his employer to Scotland to (dis)prove the existence of the Loch Ness monster. He finds the locals stubborn, 'primitive' and all but hospitable, not in the least because the Nessie legend is the only tourist attraction. He still gets romantically attracted by his independent inn-keeper Laura, and both her kid and his local assistant end up making him face a small family of Nessie-dinosaurs, but is this to be made public?
Aceasta aventura romantica beneficiaza de efecte speciale cu totul deosebite si urmareste incercarile unui cercetator american de a dovedi ca celebrul monstru Nessie din Loch Ness este doar o fantezie. Odata ajuns la Loch Ness, cercetatorul afla insa ca un coleg de-al sau care venise inaintea lui sa cerceteze adancurile faimosului lac scotian murise in conditii misterioase. El incepe sa cerceteze misterul insa, in momentul in care dovezile duc, una cate una, catre aceeasi concluzie, cercetatorul…