Les Rois maudits (2005)
Regii blestemati
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 17-Apr-2008, 17:31
Actualizat: 30-Mai-2008, 13:22
Arhiva contine 2 sincronizari diferite pentru 5 cd, din care una e "Les_Rois_Maudits_ 2005_XviD_AC3_ TLP" (sincronizare michaela).
Mai multe informații
It is the early 1300's and the treasury of France, under the rule of Philippe IV (Philippe le Bel or Philippe the Beautiful), is empty. The king decides the only solution is to raid the treasures of the Knights Templar (amongst others) and concocts various charges of treason, heresy and deviance against the Knights and their Grand Master Jacques de Molay. Having confessed under torture to the crimes of which he is accused, de Molay is condemned to be burned at the stake. With his dying breath he curses the king, the king's advisor (Guillaume de Nogaret), the pope (Pope Clement V) and the thirteen succeeding generations of their families. There follows one of the most dramatic periods in French history, half a century of political intrigue, murder, treason, war and famine, which ultimately culminates in the 100 Years War.
La inceputul anilor 1300, visteria Frantei este goala! Regele Filip cel Frumos decide: singura solutie este preluarea averilor cavalerilor templieri. De aceea, cu ajutorul sfetnicului regal, se tes in jurul conducatorului - Jacques de Molay, intrigi, minciuni si acuzatii. Conducatorii cavalerilor sunt condamnati la moarte prin ardere pe rug. Prada flacarilor, ei blestema regii. Dupa moartea lor, istoria Frantei cunoaste una dintre cele mai dramatice perioade: jumatate de secol d…