Les Amants Reguliers (2005)
Amantii obisnuiti
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 10-Iun-2007, 12:31
Actualizat: 10-Iun-2007, 12:31
film prezentat la TIFF Cluj 2007 la sectiunea Supernova
Mai multe informații
1968 and 1969 in Paris: during and after the student and trade union revolt. François is 20, a poet, dodging military service. He takes to the barricades, but won't throw a Molotov cocktail at the police. He smokes opium and talks about revolution with his friend, Antoine, who has an inheritance and a flat where François can stay. François meets Lilie, a sculptor who works at a foundry to support herself. They fall in love. A year passes; François continues to write, talk, smoke, and be with Lilie. Opportunities come to Lilie: what will she and François do?
O evocare foarte vie a unei epoci de aur a naivitatii, cand oamenii credeau ca pot schimba lumea pur si simplu iesind in strada...