52 min
Lars Becker-Larsen
Peter Thieme, John Robert Christianson, George Coyne
La revolution de la terre de Copernic a Newton (2008)
Den bevægede jord
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 26-Dec-2011, 13:01
Actualizat: 6-Apr-2012, 20:58
Aka "The Moving Earth". Distinctii:
GRAND PRIX: 13th AVICOM Film Festival, Turin Italy. February 15, 2010
BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM: Vedere la Scienza Festival - International Scientific Film Festival, Milano. Italy. April 2009
GRAND PRIX: 46th International Festival TECHFILM 2009. Prague, Czech Republic. March 2009
Marii oameni de stiinta Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Galileo si Newton au dezvoltat cu încapatânare ideea ca planeta Pamânt se afla în miscare, iar descoperirile lor epocale au condus la o noua viziune a lumii, si la aparitia metodologiei stiintifice moderne.
Am preferat varianta franceza, "La revolution de la terre de Copernic a Newton" pentru calitatea video mai buna. Citeste indicatiile atasate în zip.
Mai multe informații
In 1543 the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus challenged the prevailing view of the world: he claimed that the Earth was not the immovable centre of the world but a planet in orbit around the sun. To the Christian church this was a heresy that contradicted the Bible. For centuries to come great scientists like Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Galileo and Newton wrestled with the question of a moving earth in the face of opposition from the church, which sentenced Galileo to house arrest and burned the philosopher Giordano Bruno at the stake. Their struggle led not only to a new view of the world, but also to the modern natural sciences and thereby the way we view the world today.
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