La bellezza del somaro (2010)
Dragoste si palme
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 15-Apr-2011, 18:23
Actualizat: 15-Apr-2011, 18:23
Mai multe informații
A comedy about generational conflict between two parents who do not want to grow old and a seventeen year old daughter who wants to become an adult. During a weekend with some friends in their country house in Tuscany, Marcello and Marina, relieved that the love affair of their teenage daughter Rose with another boy, Luke, is over, prepare to meet their daughter's new boyfriend. The problem is that the two adults, who still feel pretty young, do not know what to expect, and what they are about to discover will leave them speechless ...
Marcello si Marina voiau sa aiba un weekend linistit si relaxant. El este arhitect, iar sotia lui psiholog si sunt doi oameni moderni si echilibrati. Doar ca, fiica lor, Rosa, o adolescenta rasfatata si rebela a decis ca ar fi un moment potrivit sa il aduca acasa pe noul ei prieten. Parintii se pregatesc sa-l intalneasca, dar nu au nici cea mai mica idee in legatura cu ceea ce urmeaza. In scurt timp, cei doi oameni ponderati si civilizati vor ajunge in prag…