L'ultimo killer (The Last Killer) (1967)
Django, ultimul pistolar
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 1-Apr-2015, 22:04
Actualizat: 1-Apr-2015, 23:40
L'Ultimo-killer (1967). Aranjat textul si adaugate diacritice. ENJOY! Filmul se afla pe site-ul,ULOZTO.NET.
Mai multe informații
Ramon's parents are killed by men of landowner John Barrett. While trying to get revenge, Ramon is wounded but has saved the life of Rezza, an old disillusioned killer. While nursing his wounds, the men become reluctanfriends and Rezza teaches Ramon the art of shooting, surviving and the loneliness a killer has to bear. Ramon becomes threat for Barrett, the landowner engages Rezza to kill Ramon.
Dupa ce tatal sau este impuscat si moare in bratele sale, Ramon vrea ca cei vinovati sa plateasca.