L'Iceberg (2005)
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 24-Oct-2006, 21:18
Actualizat: 24-Oct-2006, 00:00
Diactritice pt. varianta "L.Iceberg.FRENCH.DVDRip.XviD-ZANBiC-ALLTEAM", 728.815.616 bytes.
Mai multe informații
Fiona is the manager of a fast-food restaurant. She lives comfortably with her family in the suburbs. In other words, Fiona is happy... until one day she accidentally gets locked into a walk-in fridge. She escapes the next morning, half frozen and barely alive, only to realize that her husband and two children didn't even notice she was missing. But when Fiona develops an obsession for everything cold and icy: snow, polar bears, fridges, icebergs--she drops everything, climbs into a frozen goods delivery truck and leaves home. For a real iceberg.
Fiona este director al unui fast-food din suburbiile unui mare oras. Ea locuieste intr-o casa eleganta impreuna cu sotul ei, Julian si cei doi copii. Pe scurt, totul e perfect pentru ea. Pana in ziua in care... se trezeste o noapte intreaga inchisa in camera frigorifica a fast-food-ului. Acest soc va declansa Fionei o pasiune pentru frig, gheata si zapada. Incepe sa viseze la un enorm si magnific iceberg. Intr-o buna dimineata, isi paraseste barbatul, copiii si serviciul. Vrea sa vada cu ochii e…