Kampf um Rom I (The Last Roman) (1968)
Lupta pentru Roma I
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 5-Ian-2013, 21:31
Actualizat: 23-Mar-2018, 19:33
Kampf um Rom 1 (1968) RUSSIAN YouTube si vaianta in doua parti, republicat in Germania pe DVD. Partea I (avi): 1.203.548 KB. Multumiri traducatorului. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
A Roman noble, Cethegus, tries to start a war, setting the Ostrogoths and their Queen, Amalasuntha, against the Byzantine Emperor Justinian; Cethegus wants to swoop in after they have destroyed each other and create a new Roman Empire from their combined kingdoms; however, he does not factor into his plans the vagaries of love and the personal integrity of the people in both kingdoms.
Cu intentia de a-i ataca pe Gotii condusi de Narses, Cethegus porneste catre Bizant, la liderul Justinian. Cethegus si-ar dori sa vada cele doua tabere atacandu-se reciproc, stiind ca prin propriile puteri, dar si ale armatei pe care o conduce, ar putea controla deznodamantul conflictului.