Just Like Home (Hjemve) (2007)
Just Like Home
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 13-Feb-2008, 09:22
Actualizat: 13-Feb-2008, 09:22
Numai pentru www.subs.ro
Mai multe informații
The tale of a troubled small town, and the brave few who made it their mission to keep the community together. As the citizens of a secluded Danish town gradually lose their trust in one and other, the sight of a naked man walking through town in the early hours of the morning sets off an unsettling wave of paranoia.
Pe masura ce cetatenii unui oras danez izolat incep treptat sa-si piarda increderea unii in altii, vederea unui barbat gol in primele ore ale diminetii declanseaza un tulburator val de paranoia.