Jason X (2001)
Jason X
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 25-Feb-2014, 20:55
Actualizat: 16-Oct-2020, 01:00
Jason X (2001), pentru BluRay, HDTV & DVDRip. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
In the year 2455, Old Earth is now a contaminated planet abandoned for centuries -- a brown world of violent storms, toxic landmasses and poisonous seas. Yet humans have returned to the deadly place that they once fled, not to live, but to research the ancient, rusting artifacts of the long-gone civilizations. But it's not the harmful environment that could prove fatal to the intrepid, young explorers who have just landed on Old Earth. For them, it's Friday the 13th, and Jason lives!
400 de ani in viitor, Terra nu mai poate fi locuita si oamenii au colonizat alte planete. Extraterestrii sositi pe Pamant descopera o serie de bunkere care alcatuiesc o adevarata retea subterana. Intr-unul dintre acestea gasesc doua corpuri criogenizate pe care le readuc la viata. Ei inca nu stiu ce forte au trezit odata cu "invierea" celor doi...