Il Ladrone (1981)
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 24-Apr-2008, 01:04
Actualizat: 24-Apr-2008, 01:04
Mai multe informații
Caleb, "son of nobody" (Enrico Montesano) lives in Galilee in Jesus' day and struggles as a thief and con-man, pretending to be a magician. When he witnesses Jesus turning water into wine, he thinks he's found a competitor. So Caleb goes on, convinced that Jesus is a fake just as he is, always trying to figure out his tricks. In the meantime, he gets involved with a prostitute (played by Edwige Fenech), but also with the wife of a Roman patrician (played by the equally alluring Bernadette Lafont), he steals a few goats and cons a few people, he befriends a lovable dog and gets in trouble with some Roman soldiers.
Caleb traieste in Galileea pe vremea lui Iisus si se indeletniceste cu mici gainarii. Intamplator, nimereste la nunta la care Iisus transforma apa in vin si se gandeste, cu admiratie, ca are in fata un potlogar mai mare ca el. Dupa ce fura un colier si apoi il pierde, Caleb o intalneste pe Deborah, cu care isi va petrece restul vietii, continuand insa sa fie fascinat de Iisus, "talharul" care il "surclasase". Printr-o ironie a sortii, el va sfarsi rastig…