Hidden 3D (2011)
Hidden 3D
Redmax, OZapacita
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 19-Apr-2012, 20:03
Actualizat: 19-Apr-2012, 20:03
Mai multe informații
Brian's mother dies and is surprised when he inherit's The Sanctuary, her controversial experimental treatment center for addictions. When he and his friends are shown around the dilapidated building by a mysterious employee, it is clear that there is a sinister mood. Despite this the group enters a secret underground passage and the terrible reality is revealed. Brian's mother had built a revolutionary machine that cured people of their addiction, but as a side effect to materialize the addictions in a mutated form of children who are addicted to human flesh which have moved into the building.
Susan Carter incearca sa observe reabilitarea toxicomanilor folosind un medicament experimental in centrul ei de dezintoxicare. Dupa moartea sa, fiul ei Brian este fortat de catre prietenul lui, Simon sa mearga la centrul de dezintoxicare al mamei sale si sa ii ia locul. Brian si Simon impreuna cu alti 5 prieteni se duc la centru si afla ca acesta a fost de fapt o veche manastire, si inserandu-se, ei isi petrec noaptea acolo. Mai tarziu acestia sunt atacati de niste creaturi infricosatoare ce lo…