Gordos (2009)
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 1-Oct-2011, 22:20
Actualizat: 1-Oct-2011, 22:20
Mai multe informații
"GORDOS" is a comedy about life's excesses and deficiencies; about our insecurities, phobias, obsessions, traumas, mistakes, fears, blame, desires, hopes, challenges, concessions, goals, relationships, love, sex, health, family... about survival in the widest and "largest" sense of the word. The movie is pizza, ice-cream, chocolate, sweets, calories, lot of calories. It is also guilt, desire, fear, hope, dreams, sex, family, love. But it is happy, optimistic, painful, tender, harsh, light, profound. A comedy. A drama. A collection of contradictions. It's life, the life of a gay actor presenting weight loss products who lose his job because he get fat and who starts dating a ... woman.
Grasii e pizza, inghetata, ciocolata, dulciuri, calorii, multe-multe calorii. E si vina, dorinta, teama, speranta, visuri, sex, familie, dragoste. E fericit, optimist, super, dureros, tandru, aspru, usor, profund. E o comedie. E o drama. E o colectie de contradictii. E viata!Grasii e o dramedie. Cinci povesti despre persoane supraponderale intr-un mediu comun: terapia de grup. Un loc unde oamenii nu se asteapta sa scape de kilograme, ci sa afle de ce le tot pun. Asteapt�…