Frightmare (1974)
O viata de cosmar
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 10-Mar-2014, 10:16
Actualizat: 10-Mar-2014, 10:16
Mai multe informații
In 1957, Dorothy and Edmund Yates were committed to an institution for the criminally insane, she for acts of murder and cannibalism and he for covering up her crimes. Fifteen years later, they are pronounced fit for society and released. However, in Dorothy's case the doctors may have jumped the gun a bit. Edmund and eldest daughter, Jackie, try to discover just how far Mother's bloodlust has taken her. Meanwhile, youngest daughter Debbie begins to explore the crazy roots of her family tree as fully as possible.
In 1957, Dorothy Yates a fost internata intr-o institutie pentru boli mintale, dupa o serie de crime canibale pe care le comisese impreuna cu devotatul ei sot, Edmund. 18 ani mai tarziu, ei sunt considerati vindecati, eliberati si se stabilesc la o ferma veche. Femeia pretinde ca poate citi viitorul in cartile de Tarot. Aparentele par a le da dreptate celor care luasera decizia eliberarii lor. Dar, dincolo de aceasta impresie, cei doi monstri faceau ce stiau ei mai bine.…