Fists of the White Lotus (Clan of the White Lotus) (1980)
Clanul lotusului alb
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 7-Ian-2009, 21:40
Actualizat: 7-Ian-2009, 21:40
Mai multe informații
Shaolin practitioners and brothers Wu and Hung kill the merciless Pai Mei. However, Pai Mei's even more merciless brother White Lotus takes revenge; killing most of the Shaolin disciples, including Wu and Hung's girlfriend, leaving only Wu's pregnant wife and Hung as the only remaining practitioners of Shaolin left to avenge the deaths. But Hung's kung-fu will not be powerful enough so he must learn feminine kung-fu techniques to help him try and defeat White Lotus.
Un film ce prezinta fenomenul artelor martiale orientale in care regizorul insusi joaca unul dintre rolurile principale. Lo Lieh, personajul numit Sangele Alb are doua insusiri neobisnuite care il fac sa fie mai puternic decat dusmanul sau. In primul rand luptatorul poate sa se introduca imediat in stare de imponderabilitate. Datorita acestei abilitati barbatul ii surprinde usor pe dusmani. In al doilea rand, Sangele Alb poate sa-si ascunda organe sexuale in�…