Farce of the Penguins (2007)
Amor de pinguin
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 1-Ian-2007, 23:17
Actualizat: 16-Ian-2007, 20:40
Arhiva contine sincronizarea si pentru "Farce.of.the.Penguins.2007.STV.DVDRip.XviD-SAPHiRE", insa mai e mult de lucru la ea.
Mai multe informații
In this spoof of "March of the Penguins," nature footage of penguins near the South Pole gets a soundtrack of human voices. Carl and Jimmy, best friends, walk 70 miles to the mating grounds where the female penguins wait. The huddled masses of females - especially Melissa and Vicki - talk about males, mating, and what might happen this year. Carl, Jimmy, and the other males make the long trek talking about food, fornication and flatulence. Until this year, Carl's sex life has been dismal, but he falls hard for Melissa. She seems to like him. A crisis develops when Jimmy comes upon something soft in the dark. Can friends forgive? Does parenthood await Carl and Melissa?
Carl (BOB SAGET) si Jimmy (LEWIS BLACK) sunt doi pinguini aflati intr-o misiune pentru gasirea unei partenere. Dupa nopti de singuratate, Carl nu se multumeste doar cu o codita de pinguin-fetita. El vrea sa o cucereasca pe Melissa (CHRISTINA APPLEGATE). Jimmy va face totul sa-si ajute amicul, numai ca au de trecut un obstacol, o banchiza de gheata de 100 de km pana in Antarctica. Peripetiile celor doi prieteni se tin lant, pana cand vor ajunge in paradisul mult visat.