Desire Under the Elms (1958)
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 18-Iul-2018, 14:08
Actualizat: 18-Iul-2018, 14:08
Desire Under the Elms {1958} DVD RETAIL. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Ephraim Cabot is an old man of amazing vitality who loves his New England farm with a greedy passion. Hating him, and sharing his greed, are the sons of two wives Cabot has overworked into early graves. Most bitter is Eben, whose mother had owned most of the farm, and who feels who should be sole heir. When the old man brings home a new wife, Anna, she becomes a fierce contender to inherit the farm. Two of the sons leave when Eben gives them the fare in return for their shares of the farm. Meanwhile, Anna tries to cause some sparks by rubbing up against Eben.
Celebra piesa a lui Eugene O’Neill despre o familie sfasiata de lacomie explodeaza pe ecran intr-un film inaltator, avandu-i in rolurile principale pe Anthony Perkins si Sophia Loren. Perkins este Eben, fiul unui fermier. El asteapta ziua in care va mosteni pamantul de la tatal sau tiranic si vaduv (Burl Ives). Dar cand tatal lui Eben se insoara din nou si anunta ca va lasa ferma noii sale sotii, pasiunile erup intr-o noapte arzatoare, plina de furie si dorinta, …