Deep Blue Sea 3 (2020)
Deep Blue Sea 3
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 21-Sep-2020, 14:51
Actualizat: 21-Sep-2020, 22:34
Deep Blue Sea 3 (2020), pentru BluRay. Aranjat textul si adaugate diacritice. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Dr. Emma Collins and her team are spending their third summer on the island of Little Happy studying the effect of climate change on the great white sharks who come to the nearby nursery every year to give birth. Along with the last two inhabitants of this former fishing village, their peaceful life is disrupted when a "scientific" team led by her ex-boyfriend and marine biologist Richard show up looking for three bull sharks who we soon learn aren't just any bull sharks.
Studiind efectele schimbarilor climatice in largul coastei Mozambicului, un biolog marin si echipa sa se confrunta cu trei rechini tauri imbunatatiti genetic. Acum, o noua baie de sange asteapta sa se intample in numele stiintei. Oare oamenii nu vor invata niciodata?
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