Darklight (2004)
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23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 14-Oct-2004, 00:00
Actualizat: 14-Oct-2004, 00:00
Mai multe informații
Captured by a secret society known as the Faith and mentally controlled with a powerful spell, ancient demoness Lilith now lives as a young woman with no memory of her agless past. However, the terrifying plague unleashed by a rampaging monster, the Demonicos, forces one human to recruit her mystical power known as the Darklight to fight this terrifying beast...
Izgonita din Paradis, prima femeie, Lilith, calatoreste de-a lungul veacurilor si, folosindu-se de propria imortalitate, lasa in urma nenumarate victime. Urmarirea si distrugerea lui Lilith devine scopul organizatiei secrete The Faith. Lucrurile scapa insa de sub control atunci cand cercetatorul Raeborne, in urma unui experiment menit sa-i aduca nemurirea, se transforma intr-un Demonicos, infestandu-i pe toti cei intalniti in cale cu un virus mortal. Lilith, care pana la acel moment dusese o via…