Dakota Skye (2008)
Dakota Skye
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 18-Iul-2009, 12:05
Actualizat: 18-Iul-2009, 12:05
Mai multe informații
For as long as she could remember, Dakota Skye has been cursed with a super power. She has the ability to see the truth in any lie she hears. From small, harmless white lies, to the more devious kind, they have come from the people that she should trust the most; her family, friends and teachers. These lies have snowballed, leading to her becoming bitter and apathetic towards the world around her.
Dakota Skye este o tanara inzestrata cu o putere mai speciala: ea are capacitatea de a vedea adevarul in orice minciuna pe care o aude. Minciuni mai mici sau mai mari spuse de cunostinte, prieteni, parinti, profesori au transformat-o intr-o persoana care trateaza lumea din jurul ei cu nepasare, indiferenta. Tatal ei a murit de cancer;m ama ei este mai tot timpul plecata de acasa, in interes de serviciu; are o prietena din copilarie, cu care insa nu are prea multe in comun; si mai are si un priet…