Cunk on Shakespeare (2016)
Cunk on Shakespeare
23.976 FPS
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Adăugat: 5-Feb-2025, 18:58
Actualizat: 5-Feb-2025, 19:04
Cunk on Shakespeare (2016), pentru WEB-DL. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Fresh from her triumphs on Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe investigating time, Winston Churchill, and Donald Trump, Philomena Cunk has finally been given her own show - about William Shakespeare. Cunk will leave no stone unturned as she gets to the bottom of the Bard, visiting his birthplace, exploring the Globe, studying priceless artefacts and interviewing literally six different experts.
Personajul din „Charlie Brooker’s Weekly Wipe” prezintă un fals documentar despre William Shakespeare care ne vorbește despre viața și lucrările sale în stilul ei unic.