Champions (1998)
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 29-Sep-2013, 00:27
Actualizat: 29-Sep-2013, 00:27
Karate.Tiger.10.UNCUT.German.1998.DVDRip.XViD; Campionii.1998. Varianta 1.65 GB. Multumiri traducatorului. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
William Rockman, a champion "Terminal Combat" fighter who retired from the sport after accidentally killing a young man while training. Five years after his retirement, Terminal Combat has been banned by the government and has gone underground. The "new" Terminal Combat is just that; one combatant in each match usually does not live to tell about the experience. When Rockman's younger brother is killed in one of the underground matches by his old rival, the King, Rockman enters the tournament to exact revenge on the King, not knowing that the King and his wife, Daria, have been enslaved by Max Brito, the tournament's greedy promoter.
William Rockman este campion la Terminal Combat, insa dupa ce a omorat pe cineva din greseala in timpul unui antrenament se hotaraste sa se retraga. Dupa cinci ani, luptele Terminal Combat sunt interzise de catre guvern si ajung sa se desfasoare in ilegalitate. "Noul" Terminal Combat are noi reguli: unul dintre luptatori nu supravietuieste ca sa-si povesteasca experienta. Cand fratele mai mic al lui Rockamn este ucis intr-unul dintre meciuri de catre vechiul lui rival, Kingh, Rockman se inscrie …