Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life (2009)
Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 26-Dec-2011, 13:08
Actualizat: 26-Dec-2011, 13:08
“Nothing in the natural world makes sense, except when seen in the light of evolution.”,
"Nimic din natura nu are vreun sens, daca nu este privit prin prisma evolutiei." David Attenborough.
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Mai multe informații
Darwin's great insight – that life has evolved over millions of years by natural selection – has been the cornerstone of all David Attenborough’s natural history series. In this documentary, he takes us on a deeply personal journey which reflects his own life and the way he came to understand Darwin’s theory.
Realizat cu prilejul a 200 de ani de la nasterea lui Charles Darwin, documentarul produs de BBC si prezentat de David Attenborough reprezinta o incursiune in teoria evolutionista fondata de Darwin in 1842 si dezbatuta de acesta pe larg in cartea Originea Speciilor, una dintre cele mai influente carti din istoria moderna, publicata in 1859.