Broadcasting Christmas (2016)
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Adăugat: 22-Dec-2024, 04:01
Actualizat: 22-Dec-2024, 12:02
Broadcasting Christmas (2016) pentru WEB-DL. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
When the opportunity to co-host a talk show with the fabulous talk show diva Veronika presents itself two weeks before Christmas, Emily thinks this is her big break. To her surprise, she discovers she has stiff competition with Charlie, the local TV anchor who is her near equal on another station. With such interest and support for both reporters, a contest is created: for the two weeks leading up to Christmas, who can cover the best and most meaningful Christmas stories on the local news?
Doi prezentatori de știri care înainte erau îndrăgostiți se luptă pentru un post de prezentator al unui talk-show matinal pe care și-l doresc amândoi, descoperind în final ceea ce i-a făcut să se placă atât de mult unul pe celălalt de la bun început.