Big Mamma's Boy (2011)
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Adăugat: 8-Iul-2012, 20:47
Actualizat: 11-Mai-2024, 23:23
Big Mamma's Boy (2011), pentru BluRay & DVDRip. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Big Mamma's Boy follows the story of Rocco as he struggles to choose between the love of his life, Katie and his doting, over-protective Italian mother. Fun, heart-wrenching and poignant, this spirited romantic comedy explores Australia's multicultural nuances with hilarious results and goes to show that being a big mamma's boy is a lot tougher than it sounds.
Rocco trebuie să aleagă între Katie, care pare a fi iubirea vieţii lui, şi femeia care ar face orice pentru el şi care îl iubeşte necondiţionat: mama lui! Big Mamma's Boy este o comedie despre viaţă, dragoste şi lasagna.