Bakhita (2009)
Bakhita, sfanta africana
Alex Petricas & Anca Bot
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 15-Mai-2011, 12:56
Actualizat: 15-Mai-2011, 12:56
Mai multe informații
Born in a village in Sudan, kidnapped by slavers, often beaten and abused, and later sold to Federico Marin, a Venetian merchant, Bakhita then came to Italy and became the nanny servant of Federico's daughter, Aurora, who had lost her mother at birth. She is treated as an outcast by the peasants and the other servants due to her black skin and African background, but Bakhita is kind and generous to others. Bakhita gradually comes closer to God with the help of the kind village priest, and embraces the Catholic faith. She requests to join the order of Canossian sisters, but Marin doesn't want to give her up as his servant, treating her almost as his property. This leads to a moving court case that raised an uproar which impacts Bakhita's freedom and ultimate decision to become a nun. Pope John Paul II declared her a saint in the year 2000.
Bakhita este o fata din Sudan care ajunge sclava la o varsta foarte mica. Ultimul ei stapan, un diplomat italian, este dur cu ea si cea care o ajuta pe sclava este Aurora, fiica acestuia. Atunci cand acesta isi revarsa furia asupra ei, fuge la biserica si ramane cu preotul care ii povesteste despre Dumnezeu. Aurora sufera mult si stapanul ei isi propune sa se razbune, dar nu poate ajunge la ea deoarece in sat apare o epidemie de rubeola. Bakhita ingrijeste oamenii bolnavi, printre care si preotu…