A Vanishing Fog (Entre la niebla) (2021)
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Adăugat: 28-Aug-2022, 00:47
Actualizat: 28-Aug-2022, 00:47
A Vanishing Fog (2021), pentru WEB-DL. Enjoy!
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‘A Vanishing Fog’ creates an emotionally deep mystical portrait of life’s end and beginning which are both born in the middle of life. The ancient sacred place Sumapaz Páramo in Colombia is the world’s largest Alpine tundra ecosystem and a source of drinking water for the capital’s 11 million residents who have to admire the protected mountain range with its mercilessly harsh climate from a respectful distance. Sumapaz, left outside human activities and the boundaries of law, has become a criminal backroad, the last barricades of which mountain guard F defends with his father and other natives.
Aceasta parabola umana lirica si uimitoare din punct de vedere vizual combina S.F-ul si suprarealismul ca sa comenteze despre trecutul dureros al Columbiei, printr-o experienta cinematica senzoriala. In mijlocul uimitorului loc Paramo of Sumapaz, aflat in pericol, F, un explorator solitar si gardian al muntilor, condamnat de soarta lui, incearca sa protejeze ecosistemul mistic si fragil in care locuieste, in timp ce-si ingrijeste tatal bolnav. Infruntandu-se cu into…