2067 (2020)
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 4-Oct-2020, 17:15
Actualizat: 11-Nov-2020, 15:44
2067 (2020), pentru BluRay (tatae79), WEB-DL & HDRip. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
A lowly utility worker is called to the future by a mysterious radio signal, he must leave his dying wife to embark on a journey that will force him to face his deepest fears in an attempt to change the fabric of reality and save humankind from its greatest environmental crisis yet.
Suntem in anul 2067, Pamantul a fost devastat de schimbarile climatice, iar oamenii sunt fortati sa traiasca cu oxigen artificial. O boala provocata de oxigenul sintetic ucide oamenii de peste tot si singura speranta vine sub forma unui mesaj trimis din viitor: "Trimiteti-l pe Ethan Whyte".
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