
Acțiune, Crimă, Fantastic

4.713 / 10

(837 voturi)


103 min


Frank Miller


Gabriel Macht, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson



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The Spirit (2008)


Down these mean streets a man must come. A hero born, murdered, and born again. A Rookie cop named Denny Colt returns from the beyond as The Spirit, a hero whose mission is to fight against the bad forces from the shadows of Central City. The Octopus, who kills anyone unfortunate enough to see his face, has other plans; he is going to wipe out the entire city.

Personaj principal al unor benzi desenate celebre in anii '40, The Spirit este un justitiar mascat care isi insceneaza moartea pentru a lupta mai eficient impotriva criminalilor din Central City. Cel mai periculos adversar al sau este The Octopus, care ucide pe oricine ii vede fata si care planuieste sa arunce in aer intregul oras. The Spirit il atrage in catacombele orasului pentru o ultima batalie, in timp ce batalioane de femei superbe alearga dupa eroul nostru pentr…

Subtitrari The Spirit

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