
Crimă, Dramă, Fantastic

6.9 / 10

(75 voturi)


42 min


Michael Amo, Sam Egan


Craig Olejnik, Ennis Esmer, Lauren Lee Smith



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Informatii Cinemagia


The Listener (2009)

The Listener

Toby Logan is a highly skilled paramedic with a secret – he can read minds. Toby never really knew his parents and grew up in foster care, this coupled with his secret, which he shares with no one, has made him a bit of a loner. Until now, Toby has kept his ability hidden, exploring its possibilities only with his long time mentor and confidante Dr. Ray Mercer.

The Listener is a TV series starring Craig Olejnik, Ennis Esmer, and Lauren Lee Smith. A young paramedic discovers he has telepathic powers.

Subtitrari The Listener

Traducator Limba
The Listener - Sezonul 1 Elio Sosu, beku, Marvasmar Limba
The Listener - Sezonul 2 Marvasmar Limba
The Listener - Sezonul 3 marvasmar Limba
The Listener Elio Sosu, beku, Marvasmar Limba
The Listener - Sezonul 4 marvasmar Limba
The Listener ForWin007 Limba
The Listener - Sezonul 5 marvasmar Limba
The Listener - Second Season madhurit Limba
The Listener - Second Season madhurit Limba