Acțiune, Horror, Thriller
★ 4.533 / 10
(40 voturi)
92 min
Uwe Boll
Steve Bacic, Lauren Holly, Luke Perry
The Final Storm (2010)
In calea furtunii
A stranger named Silas flees from a devastating storm and finds refuge with Tom and Gillian on their farm. While struggling with the Storm, Silas seems to be the only one who can help Tom and Gillian to find their son but there are other more dangerous forces out there, that are waiting for the three.
Silias, un barbat despre care nu stim prea multe, fuge de o furtuna devastatoare si gaseste refugiu la ferma unui cuplu, Tom si Gillian. In timp ce se straduiesc si tina piept furtunii, Silias pare a fi singurul care ii poate ajuta pe Tom si Gillian sa isi gaseasca fiul. Nu trece mult timp, insa, si cei trei realizeaza ca trebuie sa faca fata unor forte mult mai puternice decat furtuna care i-a izolat de lume.
Subtitrari The Final Storm
Traducator | Limba | |
The Final Storm | CAMY |